Connecting with our admissions counselors is easy. They’re here to answer your questions and help guide you through the admissions process.
Please note that some counselors oversee multiple regions.
Phone: 413-222-1233Text: 413-225-4090Connecticut: Hartford, Litchfield, New London Massachusetts: Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire
Phone: 603-682-5973Text: 401-240-4505Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont
Phone: 401-954-2477 Text: 401-340-2918Connecticut: Fairfield, Middlesex, New Haven, Tolland, Windham
Phone: 516-864-6689 Text: 516-629-0450New York: Nassau, Suffolk
Phone: 617-504-1795 Text: 617-500-2970Massachusetts: Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk
Phone: 401-954-2007 Text: 401-340-2253Rhode Island: Bristol, Kent, Newport, Washington Massachusetts: Barnstable, Bristol, Dukes, Nantucket
Phone: 732-790-6036 Text: 609-473-1744Southern New Jersey, Delaware
Phone: 570-228-6583 Text: 570-273-9147Northern New Jersey
Phone: 401-598-2357 Text: 401-382-3893 New York: Westchester, Albany and Rockland
Phone: 401-598-2356 Text: 401-382-3110 Rhode Island: Providence
Phone: 401-954-3886 Text: 401-340-2450 Massachusetts: Norfolk, Plymouth, Worcester
Phone: 917-858-0187Text: 917-905-4013 New York: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, Staten Island and Northern New York
Phone: 401-598-2363 Text: 401-389-3479 Rhode Island: Providence
Phone: 401-498-3022 Text: 401-329-9765 New York: Ulster, Orange, Albany, Green and Dutchess
Phone: 410-598-2353Text: 484-556-2859Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio
Phone: 240-498-0054Text: 240-471-6614Maryland, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wisconsin
Phone: 678-360-0813 Text: 470-281-3138 Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Kentucky, Arkansas, Mississippi
Phone: 305-725-9515 Text: 305-520-7151Florida
Phone: 980-598-1113 Text: 980-354-2747 Eastern North Carolina
Phone: 980-598-1118 Text: 980-374-3452Northern Virginia, District of Columbia, Charlotte Athletics
Phone: 980-598-1119 Tesxt: 980-351-4016 North Carolina: Davidson, Forsyth, Guilford, Montgomery, Randolph, Rockingham, Stokes
Phone: 336-880-6882 Text: 336-203-0631 Central North Carolina
Phone: 980-598-1107 Text: 980-351-5760 North Carolina: Charlotte Metro
Phone: 704-314-8212 Text: 704-703-5476 North Carolina, Charlotte Metro
Phone: 843-816-6947 Text: 843-380-4499South Carolina
Phone: 410-598-2353 Text: 484-556-2859 Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio
Phone: 240-498-0054 Text: 240-471-6614 Maryland, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wisconsin
Phone: 214-563-0721 Text: 972-430-4359 Arizona, Alaska, California, Guam, Hawaii, New Mexico, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas
Phone: 757-575-9265 Text: 757-600-0476 Colorado, Indiana, Oregon, Southern Virginia, Tennessee, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming
Phone: 401-598-2342 Text: 401-340-2037Providence Transfer
Phone: 401-598-2990 Text: 401-414-0517 Providence Transfer
Phone: 980-598-1114 Text: 980-252-8729 Charlotte Transfer
Phone: 980-598-1118 Text: 980-374-3452 Northern Virginia and Charlotte Athletics
Phone: 401-864-6887 Text: 401-414-0567 Providence Campus Athletic Recruits