How long is the one-day session for families/guests?
Day one begins at 8am and ends at 5pm
Are the student sessions separate from the family/guest sessions?
Families and students will be separated for some sessions and combined for others. In the afternoon, everyone will have the opportunity to choose from a list of sessions that best fit their needs.
What meals will be provided for students?
A continental breakfast, lunch, and snack will be provided to everyone
What meals will be provided for families/guests?
A continental breakfast, lunch, and snack will be provided to everyone
Will families/guests be housed at orientation?
Parents and families will NOT be housed on campus and must make their own hotel accommodations while attending orientation. Recommendations are provided on the “Prepare and Plan Your Stay” tab on the orientation website.
Can I have guests at orientation
Each students is allowed 2 guests;Their is a $25 guest fee per person and that fee assists in paying for guest food and JWU swag.
Where will we be parking?
You will be parking in parking lot D (Parking Deck). 116 South Cedar Street, Charlotte, NC 28202. Additional parking for oversized vehicles will be available in Lot A (see signs during arrival).
How can I submit my medical information?
Domestic students must submit a health history form and immunization record by July 9th, and international students by July 30th. If you deposit after July 9th, please submit health forms as soon as possible, as they must be submitted before you move into your residence hall or start classes. Medical forms and the student health portal for submission can be found on JWU Link.
How can I change my orientation date, post registration?
How do I Inform New Student Orientation of an Accommodation request for myself or a guest I am registering?
Students, families/guests needing reasonable accommodations for any disability, please indicate on the registration site your accommodation(s) request.
NOTE: All requests for accommodations must be submitted no later than two weeks prior to your arrival on campus for the orientation session you have selected. If you require additional information, please contact Academic Success Center via email:
Do I need to take my Placement test at orientation?
The exam is completely done online over the summer, preferably before you attend summer NSO. However, if you have questions or concerns please reach out to Student Adacemic Services: Phone: 980-598-1330 – email