452c Register for an Internship | JWU Careers | Johnson & Wales University
Learn about the resources and tools we offer to get you started. You will have the best internship experience if you start working with us in advance. Internships provide you with the opportunity to build and enhance Experiential Education Outcomes including Work Ethic/Professionalism, Problem Solving, Communication (verbal & non-verbal), and Collaboration as well as industry-specific skills.


How Can I Prepare for Internship?

Contact Experiential Education & Career Services (EE&CS) to discuss your options, semester availability and eligibility requirements as well as receive guidance on searching for possible internships. You can schedule an appointment through Handshake, go to link.jwu.edu > Jobs & Internships>Career Center> Appointments> Schedule a New Appointment

Contact Student Academic Services (SAS) to discuss course sequencing and progress towards graduation. This is an important step in determining your internship semester. You can schedule an appointment with your academic counselor using uSucceed.


What Internship Credit Options are Available?

Meeting with EE&CS will help you determine if you have a required internship or the ability to participate in an optional internship. Credit options include 3, 6, 9 or 12 semester credits. Internship credits vary by academic program. Internships run over a 16-week schedule. You must review your GPS to determine if you have the Applied/Experiential Learning credits or free electives available to schedule internship.


How will Internship Fit into my Progress towards Graduation and Full-time Status?

If you register for an internship at –

3-credits, you need to register for 9 additional credits (typically 3 courses) to maintain full-time status and 4 additional courses to maintain progress towards graduation.

6-credits, you need to register for 6 additional credits (typically 2 courses) to maintain full-time status and 3 additional courses to maintain progress towards graduation.

9-credits, you need to register for 3 additional credits (typically 1 course) to maintain full-time status and 2 additional courses to maintain progress towards graduation.

12-credits, you are considered full-time, but can take 1 additional course to maintain progress towards graduation.


Can I do a Full-time Internship Outside of the Campus Area?

Yes, based on the availability of Online Residential (ONL RES) courses. It is important that you meet with SAS to discuss course options. Note: ONL RES courses fill up quickly.


Student Guides to Internships

Our career experts are here to assist you in building your resume and researching internship opportunities.

Choose your campus guide:



Get Started in jwuLink

1. Go to the Grad Planning System

  • Review your internship requirements and options.

2. Research

  • Research internship sites and review our internship listing.

3. Attend A Group Advising Session

  • Sign up to attend a group advising session to learn program eligibility, timeline, site selection and more.
  • Login to JWULink