452c Charlotte Homecoming Coronation | Johnson & Wales University


Current JWU Charlotte students interested in being consider for the 2024 Homecoming Court should apply below.


  • All currently enrolled students in good standing with the university are eligible to apply (no class-year restrictions).
  • In the spirit of community, 2024 Royalty will not be restricted by gender. The terms “Royal” and “Gold” will replace the historic “King" and “Queen.”

Application Deadline: January 21, 2024 at 5pm

Selection process:

  • All qualifying applicants will be invited to interview. Interviews will take place the week of January 22-26.
  • Following interviews, selected applicants will be invited to participate in the Homecoming Court.
  • During Homecoming week (February 5-9), students will vote for two Court members to be crowned JWU Royal and Gold.
  • JWU Royal and Gold winners will be announce during halftime of the Men’s Basketball game on Saturday, February 10th at 3pm.

Expectations of Homecoming Court:

Between January 29 and February 10, all Homecoming Court members will be asked to meet various additional requirements, including (but not limited to): attending Court events, speaking to classes regarding upcoming events, promoting attendance, etc. Court photos will be taken in formal attire the day of coronation (Saturday, February 10 at 3pm).

Homecoming Court Application

Questions about coronation? Contact Student Engagement at 980-598-1811.