2237 Dean Lavornia | Johnson & Wales University

Dean Lavornia, '00, '01 M.Ed., CEPC

Associate Professor  |  The International Baking & Pastry Institute (department chair)
College of Food Innovation & Technology
Providence Campus



An expert in gluten-free baking and pastry, Dean Lavornia has mastered the art of creating gluten-free recipes that taste good. He encourages people with Celiac Disease, including members of his own family, to focus on what they can eat, rather than what they can’t. He has designed hundreds of gluten-free recipes that match the original formula in flavor, taste, mouth-feel, and texture.

M.Ed., Johnson & Wales University
B.S., Baking & Pastry Arts, Johnson & Wales University
A.O.S., Baking & Pastry Arts, Johnson & Wales University


  • baking and pastry; gluten free; healthy desserts