2237 Add Audio/Video to Kaltura | Johnson & Wales University

Add Audio/Video to Kaltura

Add audio and video files to your course to enhance the content. Students can easily view or listen to the files within ulearn. This will prevent students from accidentally closing ulearn and it allows for easy movement between content.


  1. Within a content area, from the Build Content menu select Item.
    Item selected from the Build Content menu.
  2. Name the Item. If needed, add a description or directions for the audio or video file in the Text box.
  3. In the bottom row of the Text box, select Add content (plus sign).
    Plus sign selected from the bottom row of the text box.
  4. Under Additional Tools, choose Kaltura Media (LTI).
    Kaltura Media (LTI) selected on the Additional Tools menu.
  5. On the My Media tab, click the Add New button and select Media Upload.
    Media Upload selected from the Add New menu.
  6. Click Choose a file to upload.
    Arrow pointing to Choose a file to upload option.
  7. In the Open window, navigate to the video or audio file to be uploaded. Select the file and click Open.
    A file and the Open button are selected.
  8. The file will upload and display a green notification banner when complete. Edit the Name of the video or audio file and click Save and Embed.
    Notification that upload has completed. Save and Embed option selected.
  9. The audio or video file is visible in the Text box. Edit the name or description of the audio or video file, if needed.
    Media file with play button in the Text box.
  10. Scroll down and select any Options, if needed. Click Submit to finish adding the audio or video file to the ulearn content area.