2237 View ulearn Users | Johnson & Wales University

View ulearn Users

In ulearn, you can view your roster of students, which will provide you with your student's J number and email. Additionally, you can view your student’s major and campus information by accessing your roster in uSucceed.


  1. Under Course Management on the left-hand Navigational Bar and scroll down to Users and Groups and select Users.
    The Course Management section of the ulearn course navigation menu with the "Users" option highlighted.

  2. The users are shown, along with their J# and email.
    Screenshot showing the list of users in a course including their J number, names, and emails.

  3. Additional student information can be found on your roster in uSucceed. To access this information, click on the uSucceed tab.
    A screenshot of ulearn's top toolbar with the "uSucceed" tab selected.

  4. From this screen, click on the three lines to the left of uSucceed.
    uSucceed's top toolbar with an arrow pointing to the three line menu button.

  5. Click on Students to access your roster of students.
    uSucceed's left side menu with the "Students" option highlighted.

  6. You will see a list of all your students including Name, J Number, Email, and Contact Phone Number.
    A list of students in uSucceed including information like name, email, and phone number.

  7. To access more information, such as majors or campus, click on a student’s name to access the student information page.
    A student information page showing more details about a specific student.