2237 Getting Housing | JWU Living On Campus | Johnson & Wales University


You will use our housing tool to complete all steps to apply for housing (view residence halls, select your room, change your meal plan, get on the wait list, apply for summer housing, etc).

New Students

You will receive an email detailing how to apply for housing in jwuLink.


Returning Students

Follow these steps:

  • 1. Log into jwuLink
  • 2. Click "Campus Life" under "Tools"
  • 3. Click "Wildcat Housing System"


Wildcat Housing Selection Guides

At JWU each student selects their own on campus home through an online application found in JWU Link. Selection is split into two phases. Phase 1 is all about you- this is where you will answer profile questions and begin your search for potential roommates. Phase 2 is where you select your hall, room and if desired, your roommate(s). Below are guides to help you through the process.


Johnson & Wales University does not offer summer intern housing for non-JWU students.