2237 Contact Us | JWU Providence Ecolab Center | Johnson & Wales University
Contact Us

About the Ecolab Center

JWU Providence’s Ecolab Center for Culinary Science helps small and large food businesses with their product development needs and product introduction to the marketplace. We offer product development services, product safety evaluation, training, and help with regulatory compliance.

The Ecolab Center benefits from the expertise of the faculty of JWU’s College of Food Innovation & Technology (CFIT). The Center’s state-of-the-art lab is the university’s multiuse Food Innovation Design Lab (FIDL), which is housed within the Friedman Center (Harborside Campus).

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Faculty Contact

Ruben O. Morawicki, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Director, Ecolab Center
College of Food Innovation & Technology
Johson and Wales University
333 Shipyard St, Providence RI 02905