452c University Scholarship & Best Practices Expo: Info for Presenters | Johnson & Wales University

Info for Presenters

Are you presenting research or sharing unique or innovative practices at the 2025 University Scholarship and Best Practices Expo? This page is designed to answer your questions.

Delivery Format Options | Schedule at a Glance

Presentation Delivery Formats

What should I know about my presentation delivery format?

General Info for Presentations:

1. Poster (Scholarship Only!): Engage your audience and communicate your research/information through visual images, charts, and/or graphs. Presenters are responsible for designing their own posters although JWU will provide printing services. A limited number of posters will be accepted. The Expo Committee will set up your poster for you. We ask you to please collect your poster at the end of the Expo.

  1. a. Posters must measure 48” wide and 36” high.
  2. b. We are encouraging a simplified poster design.
  3. c. Submissions should be sent as a PDF file to the committee at expo@jwu.edu by January 27th, 2025.
  4. d. Simplified poster template links can be found here: Canva Template Search (use the 48” x 36” templates), and additional simplified poster templates can be found here: PowerPoint Templates, Canva Poster Templates
  5. e. All photos must meet copyright compliance regulations. See additional information about photos here: High Resolution Image Guide
  6. f. For more information and guidance: Expo Poster Guidelines PowerPoint

2. Prototype/Creative Work/Demonstration: Display a physical prototype, creative work, or conduct a demonstration. Prepare a brief explanation of the creative process and be prepared to answer questions from attendees. Provide detailed specifications of the space and/or logistics needed to display the work in your presentation proposal to ensure that the Expo planning committee can appropriately meet your space needs. Demonstrations can be static (watch and learn) or interactive activities.

3. Lightning Talk: A “lightning talk” is a short-form talk that is limited to a total of 5 minutes. Speak about your topic for three minutes and then respond to questions from attendees for two minutes. This session will include six 5-minute lightning talks, for a session total of thirty minutes. Although you will be speaking during the same session with other presenters, your individual topics may be unrelated.

  1. a. Send a title slide along with one or two slides about your topic to expo@jwu.edu by January 27th, 2025.
  2. b. Expo committee members will collate your slides with those of the other presenters and advance the slides for each group in order to save time having each presenter sign in and out. We encourage you to practice your presentation to ensure that you remain within the time limit.
  3. c. If you don’t wish to use slides for the content of your lightning talk, please provide at least one slide containing the topic of your title as well as the name and credentials of each presenter.
  4. d. Please use approved JWU slides, which can be found on JWULink in Tools or Gateway, and use PowerPoint so that we can collate the slides into one presentation.

4. Round Table Discussion: Facilitate a 15-minute discussion about your chosen topic with Expo participants in a casual, “round table” discussion format. Participants will rotate after 15 minutes to the next round table discussion in the same room, so you will lead three round table discussions during a 50-minute time block.

  1. a. A formal presentation is not necessary.
  2. b. If you would like to provide handouts (optional), please print 20 copies and bring them to the Expo; please also submit an electronic copy to expo@jwu.edu

5. Panel Discussion: During a 50-minute session, share your opinions, experience and expertise on a given topic/theme alongside three or four other experts in response to questions from a panel discussion moderator and/or the audience. Please include all panelists in your proposal.

6. Traditional Presentation or Workshop: 
Individually or with co-presenters, host a 25 or 50-minute presentation in a classroom setting on a specific topic. Workshop-like presentations with interactive elements are encouraged.

  1. a. If you would like us to review your slides ahead of time, we would be happy to do so, but it is not required. Please use approved JWU slides, which can be found on JWULink in Tools or Gateway.
  2. b. If you would like to provide handouts, please print and bring them to the Expo. Pleaes also submit an electronic copy to expo@jwu.edu. The capacity of each classroom is 16-32 participants.

2025 Schedule at a Glance

Coming soon!
