Publisher Integrations in ulearn
Many academic textbook publishers offer web-based services to accompany the digital versions of their textbooks. Textbooks from Cengage Learning, McGraw Hill, Pearson, MacMillian, and others are available in ulearn through the use of LTI integrations. These integrations may support single sign-on and instructor/student efficiency by streamlining usage or synchronizing grades.
Supported publisher tools in ulearn:
- Cengage Learning
- Macmillan Achieve (ENG1020 ONLY)
- McGraw Hill Connect
- Pearson
Available Publisher Tools in ulearn
Cengage Learning
The Cengage LTI ulearn Integration allows Cengage to send student grades for assignments from the publisher website directly to the ulearn Grade Center. Build your course in Cengage using the publisher's website. After the course is built in Cengage, then the course can be connected to a ulearn section.
Cengage LTI integration for ulearn: Adding Cengage LTI to ulearn user guide
Cengage MindTap Instructor Support
Cengage CNOWv2 Instructor Support
Cengage has additional user guides and training available for instructors at Cengage Online Learning Platform Training.
Macmillan Achieve
The Macmillan Achieve LTI ulearn Integration allows Macmillan to send student grades for assignments from the publisher’s website directly to the ulearn Grade Center. The instructions are specific for instructors teaching ENG1020 who are using the Macmillan Achieve integration. Note: a more generalized ulearn guide for adding Achieve is coming soon.
Macmillan Achieve LTI integration for ulearn (ENG1020 ONLY) - Adding Macmillan LTI to ENG1020 ulearn course user guide
Macmillan Achieve Instructor Support
- Getting Started Guide for Instructors
- Reviewing student work on a Writing assignment, giving feedback, and grading
- Achieve Gradebook
- How to allow students to resubmit a writing assignment on Achieve
Macmillan has a robust bank of user guides for both instructors and students at Macmillan Learning Support for Achieve.
McGraw Hill Connect
The McGraw Hill Connect LTI ulearn integration allows Connect to send student grades for assignments from the publisher website directly to the ulearn Grade Center. Build your course in McGraw Hill Connect via the publisher’s website. After the course is built, then the course can be connected to ulearn.
McGraw Hill Connect LTI integration for ulearn - Adding McGraw Hill LTI to ulearn user guide
McGraw Hill Connect Instructor Support
- Build your Course in Connect
- Create a Course in Connect/Add Sections in Connect
- Create Assignments in Connect
- Reuse your Connect Section for a New Course
McGraw Hill has additional Instructor user guides available at Connect Instructor Support.
Pearson MyLab and Mastering
The Pearson LTI ulearn integration allows Pearson to send student grades for assignments from the publisher's website directly to the ulearn Grade Center. Build your course in Pearson via the publisher's website. After the course is built, then the course can be connected to ulearn.
Pearson LTI integration for ulearn User Guide - includes instructions on how to link your ulearn course to your Pearson course, add direct assignment or textbook links to ulearn content areas, and how to sync grades from Pearson to the ulearn Grade Center.
Pearson Instructor Support
Pearson Rep Contact Information for JWU: Joanna Conley | Email: joanna.conley(at)
Additional ulearn Support
Contact Instructional Design and Technology at 401-598-2389 or View additional ulearn user guides on the IDT Faculty User Guides website.