The homepage in ulearn updated to a personalized, modern look that provides streamlined access to your courses, ulearn features, and more. This update improves the overall user experience, to learn more about the changes view the Navigating the ulearn Homepage presentation.

Note: ulearn courses have a 2GB storage quota. For more information, view the ulearn Course Storage and Resources website.

The user guides listed here provide step-by-step instructions on using commonly-used features of ulearn.

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Accessing ulearn
Add Avatar Image
Change "My Courses" Display
Course Copy
Course Quota/File Storage
Course Content: Download/Delete Raw Video Files
Enable Course Terms
Enable Edit Mode
Enable Student Preview
Make a Course Available to Students (PDF) (Video)
View Course Calendar (PDF) (Video)
View Course Content Collection
View Performance Dashboard (PDF) (Video)
View ulearn Users
Date Management Tool

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Adding Content
Create/Edit Content Area (PDF) (Video)  (add folder on course menu)
Add Tools to Course Menu (PDF) (Video)
Add Web Link to Course Menu (PDF) (Video)
Post a syllabus (PDF) (Video)
Create a Content Item (PDF) and (Video) (such as Word, PPT, or PDF)
Edit an Item (PDF) (Video)
Add a File (PDF) (Video) (such as Word, PPT, or PDF)
Using the Content Text Editor
Add Content via Text Editor
Formatting Options on Text Editor
Create a Content Folder (PDF) (Video)
Create a Course Link (PDF) (Video)
Create Web Link
Insert an Image
Resize an Image
Drag and Drop Files
Link Multiple Documents

Managing Content
Overwrite File (PDF) (Video)
Move Content Items (PDF) (Video)
Copy Content Items (PDF) (Video)
Delete Content Items
Setting Content Area Availability
Fixing Broken Web Page Links
Statistics Tracking and Viewing Statistics Reports
Setting Review Status

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Create/Edit an Announcement (PDF) (Video)
Formatting an Annoucement (PDF) (Video)

Create and Link a Blog (PDF) (Video)
Edit Blog Settings (PDF) (Video)
Add a Blog Rubric (PDF) (Video)
Grade a Blog (PDF) (Video)
Delete Blog and Grade Column (PDF) (Video)

Create a Journal in a Content Area
Create a Journal Via Left Menu Tool Link
Edit Journal Settings
Add a Journal Rubric
Grade a Journal
Add Journal Comments
Delete Journal and Grade Column

Create a Wiki
Edit Wiki Settings
Create a Wiki Link
Add Wiki Rubric
Grade a Wiki
Delete Wiki and Grade Column

Discussion Board
Post First Discussion Thread
Create a Discussion Forum
Edit Discussion Forum Settings
Add a Discussion Rubric
Delete Older Discussion Posts (after a course copy)
Post/Reply in a Discussion Forum
Create a Question Forum for Students
Grade a Discussion Forum
Delete Discussion and Grade Column
Include a Link in a Discussion Posting
Subscribe to a Discussion Forum
Assigning Discussion Roles
Needs Grading Status
Thread to Thread Navigation

Create Manual Enroll Group (single or group set)
Create Random Enroll Group
Create Self-Enroll Group
Edit a Single Group or Group Set
Remove student(s) from a Group
Add/Rearrange Students to Existing Group Set
Create a Group Assignment

Send Email

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Adaptive Release
Assignment availability for select students

Create an Assignment
Edit an Assignment
Delete an Assignment
Create a Group Assignment
Clear or Ignore Assignment Attempt
Record Audio or Video Feedback on an Assignment
Add Multiple or Unlimited Assignment Attempts
Create & Grade an Anonymous Assignment
Grade an Assignment & Leave Feedback
Assignment Annotation - Advanced Features
Recording Feedback
Sending Email Reminders for Assignments

Quizzes & Tests
Create a Test
Test Question Types
Add/Link to a Test in Content Area
Add Images to Test Questions or Answer Choices
Edit Test Options
Edit a Test
Reset a Test or Quiz Attempt
Allowing Extra Time on a Quiz or Test
Allowing an Extra Attempt on a Quiz or Test
Attempts Statistics
Entering and Updating Zero's
Grade a Test
Grade by Question
Import a Test
Export a Test
Test Feedback Options
Test Availability Exceptions (test accommodations)
Send Email Reminders for Test Submissions
Item Analysis

Survey Tool

Create a Survey (PDF) (Video)
Deploy a Survey (PDF) (Video)
View Survey Results (PDF) (Video)
Export a Survey (PDF) (Video)
Import a Survey (PDF) (Video)

Create a Test
Edit a Test
Format Questions in MS Word
Import Questions (formatted Word document)
Print a Test
Publish a Test to ulearn
Retrieve a Test from ulearn
Update Respondus

Create a Rubric (PDF) (Video)
Edit a Rubric (PDF) (Video)
Associate a Rubric (PDF) (Video)
Grade Assignment with Rubric
Grade Column with a Rubric
Using a Rubric for Grading (CPS)
Locating Rubrics in an Online Class (CPS)
Grade Collaboration Tool with a Rubric
Export/Import a Rubric (PDF) (Video)

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What is Turnitin?
Faculty Guidelines
Add a new Turnitin Assignment (PDF) (Video)
Edit a Turnitin Assignment (PDF) (Video)
Edit Turnitin Availability Dates
Creating and Editing a Turnitin Assignment
Delete a Turnitin Assignment (PDF) (Video)
Create Turnitin Revision Assignment (PDF) (Video)
Turnitin Template Exclusion (PDF) (Video)
Accessing Turnitin Assignments (Video)
Accessing Papers Submitted to Turnitin
Accessing Turnitin Group Assignments (PDF) (Video)
Viewing Turnitin Originality Reports (PDF) (Video)
Viewing AI Writing Detection Tool
Marking up Turnitin Assignments with Feedback Studio (PDF) (Video)

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View Grade Center Resources

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Create Portfolio Assignment
Grade Portfolio Assignment

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Kaltura Capture (PC/Mac) Webcam recording, screen sharing)
Kaltura Express Capture (web-only)
Create Kaltura Video Quiz
Add Audio or Video Files into Kaltura
Kaltura My Media
Delete Videos from Kaltura My Media
Add Media from Slideshare, Flickr, or YouTube
Kaltura Add Media Gallery
Edit Kaltura Videos
Kaltura Media Stitching (combine multiple Kaltura videos)
Embed Youtube Video
Add Youtube Video via Mashup Tool
Adding Captions to Video and Editing Captions
LinkedIn Learning: Search and add videos into to ulearn
LinkedIn Learning: Create Video Collection/Playlist


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Instructional Design & Technology
