Information Security

In a world that’s built on technology, nothing is more important than security. Your small actions make a big difference for your security, both at home and at Johnson & Wales.


Tax season not only brings the annual responsibility of filing taxes but also the unfortunate existence of tax scams. With the rise of digital communication and the evolution of sophisticated fraudulent tactics and techniques, taxpayers must maintain vigilance to protect themselves from becoming victims of tax scams, which can result in identity theft and financial loss. It's imperative for individuals to stay informed about common scam tactics and take proactive measures to safeguard their personal and financial information during this critical period.

Some common tax scams include:

  • Phishing: This type of scam can be perpetrated through phone calls, messaging, and email. Scammers often impersonate government agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). In such cases, individuals may receive communication claiming that they owe government taxes and demanding immediate payment. Alternatively, scammers may allege errors in the taxpayers' tax returns, resulting in owed taxes. It's crucial to remain vigilant and cautious when encountering such communications, as the IRS typically do not initiate contact in this manner. The IRS will only contact you through mail with the IRS seal.
  • Identity Theft: This type of scam occurs when your personal information, such as your Social Security Number, has been acquired by the scammer. Scammers can exploit this information to file fraudulent tax returns and claim refunds in the victim’s name. Victims may only become aware of the fraud when their legitimate tax return is rejected or when they receive notices from the IRS regarding discrepancies in their filings. It's important for individuals to monitor their financial accounts and credit reports regularly to detect any suspicious activity and take appropriate action to mitigate potential damage.
  • Fraudulent Tax Services: Fake tax preparers often promise clients substantial tax refunds and lure them with low fees for their services. Once victims entrust them with financial information, these preparers may misuse the data for identity theft or file false tax returns without the taxpayer's knowledge. 

How to Avoid Tax Scams:

  • Verify the authenticity of communications: Remember, the IRS will never attempt to contact you via phone call or email. It only communicates with you via mail with the official IRS seal. 


  • Choose reputable tax services: Avoid selecting tax services that offer discounts or promise inflated refunds. If you suspect that their practices may be questionable and unethical, please see Tax Preparer Fraud.
  • Monitor your financial accounts: Report any unauthorized transactions to your financial institution and regularly monitor your credit reports. If you notice that there are unauthorized transaction on your financial accounts, please see How To Report Tax Scams.
  • Educate yourself: Stay informed with tactics and techniques that scammers may use to obtain advantages. These tactics and techniques can be found at

  Always remember! If you have any doubts about an email forward it to and our team can investigate the email. 


The Office of Information Security Services (ISS) aims to facilitate and further the Mission and Guiding Principles of the University while maximizing the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the JWU’s distributed information technology assets, systems, networks, and data.

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