2237 Confidential Contact | Campus Safety & Security | Johnson & Wales University
Learn how to register a confidential contact for Campus Safety & Security to notify in the event you are missing.

Under the Johnson & Wales University (JWU) Missing Student Policy, once Campus Safety & Security determines that a resident student is or may be missing, that office will contact certain people to see if they know where you are.

The people who may be contacted include:

  • Your emergency contact on file with Health Services
  • Local police
  • Your parent or legal guardian if you are under 18 (and not legally emancipated)


Resident Students Only

As a resident student, you can also name a confidential contact for Campus Safety & Security to notify in the event you are missing.

This option is only available to students living in JWU residence halls.


How to Register a Confidential Contact

Use your JWU e-mail account.

Copy and paste the following questions into your email and respond to each item:

  • Your full name (as shown on your student ID)
  • Your student ID number (J number)
  • Your residence hall and room number
  • Confidential contact name
  • Confidential contact address
  • Confidential contact phone number(s)

Email Your Confidential Contact

To modify your submission at any time, please resubmit your confidential contact information in the manner described above. JWU will use the latest submission received from you when responding to an emergency and will consider all prior submissions to be null and void.

Confidential contact information provided by you will be maintained separately from your student records and will be used only as described above. JWU may delete your confidential contact information on the earlier of the date when you are no longer a resident student at JWU or five (5) years from the date that information was initially received.



If you register a confidential contact, the identity of your contact will be kept confidential and cannot be accessed by anyone except:

  • Campus Safety & Security
  • A limited number of authorized JWU officials
  • Local law enforcement if needed for the investigation of your disappearance

Other than these people, JWU personnel will not tell anyone, including your parents, friends or family, who your confidential contact is.