2237 Charlotte | JWU Academic Support | Johnson & Wales University
Accessibility Services (Charlotte)

Johnson & Wales University (JWU) welcomes and celebrates diversity within it's campus community and strives to be open and accessible to all students.  In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (504), JWU considers and provides reasonable accommodations to ensure qualified students have equal access to all aspects of campus life.


Student Process for Requesting Accommodations

Initiate the Interactive Process

Students seeking to request academic or housing related accommodations can initiate the process by completing a New Student Application located in the Accommodations Portal or by contacting the Academic Success Center.  All requests for accommodations are considered on an individualized case-by case basis and reviewed within an interactive process that is student centered.  Staff work closely with students to understand their individual needs and work collaboratively to determine and implement reasonable adjustments to afford students equal access to their living and learning environments.  

Requests for accommodations must be accommpanied by appropriate educational and/or medical documentation.  Documents can be securely uploaded on page two of the New Student Application (students will be taken to page 2 after pressing submit on page one).  All forms of documentation will be reviewed and considered and will remain confidenital.  Students are responsible for obtaining and submitting documentation directly to Academic Success Center- Accessibility Services.  Please see the documentation tab below for additional information. 

Students are encouraged to initiate this process as early as possible (preferably 8-weeks prior to the start of the school year for first time students).  This allows time for adequate consideration and determination.

Academic Success Center - Accessibility Services
Location: Academic Center - Suite 410
(801 W. Trade Street Charlotte, NC 28202)
Phone: 980-598-1500
General Documentation Guidelines
Requests for accommodations must be accommpanied by appropriate educational and/or medical documentation.  All forms of documentation will be reviewed and considered and will remain confidenital. 
Documents can be securely uploaded on page two of the New Student Application (students will be taken to page 2 after pressing submit on page one). 
General Documentation Guidelines:
  • Qualifications of Clinician/Provider: Documentation is to be provided by a licensed or otherwise qualified professional who has undergone appropriate and comprehensive training, has relevant experience and expertise in the area for which accommodations are being requested, and has no personal relationship with the individual being evaluated.
    • Documentation must be typed on office or practice letterhead, dated, and signed by the clinician/provider. Name, title, and license/certification credentials must be stated.
  • Diagnosis and History: A diagnostic statement identifying the disability including ICD or DSM classification along with any relevant personal, psychosocial, medical, developmental and/or educational history.
    • Documentation should also illustrate the amount of time the provider has worked with the student and identify the most recent encounter.
  • Description of the Diagnostic Methodology: A clear description of the diagnostic methodology used, including data and measurements from appropriate evaluation instruments. The results obtained should establish a direct link to the diagnosis and functional limitations of the disability.  For cognitive disorders, evaluations should use adult norms.
  • Current Impact and Functional Limitations: A clear description of the level of severity along with the current impact and functional limitations pertaining to the academic and/or residential settings. Information regarding if symptoms are constant or episodic, and the frequency and/or duration should be addressed.  Information should be thorough enough to demonstrate whether and how a major life activity is substantially limited.
  • Recommendations: Recommendations are welcomed and considered, however, Academic Support – Accessibility Services makes the ultimate determination on eligibility and reasonable academic adjustments necessary to provide equal access for participation in academic courses, programs, and activities. Recommendations should be directly linked to the impact or functional limitations associated with the disability, or medication prescribed to control symptoms and include a clear rationale based on level of impairment.
Examples of documentation include, but is not limited to:
  • Psychoeducational Evaluations
  • Treament Provider Notes
  • Medical Records
  • Letter from a Medical Provider
  • Individual Education Plan (IEP)*
  • 504 Plan*
  • Comprehensive Clinical Assessment

*May need to be accompanied with additional medical documentation to fully understand current functioning and associated impacts.


How to Submit Documentation
New and returning students should submit documentation through the Accommodations Portal.

New Students (a student who has not requested or utilized accommodations at JWU) can submit documentation on page two of the New Student Application (students will be taken to page 2 after pressing submit on page one). 

Returning Students (a student who has requested or utilized accommodations at JWU) can submit documentation through their user profile in the Accommodations Portal.

  • Step 1: Access the Accommodations Portal.
  • Step 2: Select "Submit Additional Documentation" from the main menu (located on the left of the screen).
  • Step 3: Complete the form, read the acknowledgement, and click "submit." You will be directed to the upload page.
  • Step 4: Once on the upload page, title and upload your document. Click "Update Application" to submit the documentation.

Additional Methods for Submitting Documentation Include:

  • Fax: 980-598-1505 (Attn: Academic Success Center - Accessibility Services)
  • Mail or Hand Deliver to:
Johnson & Wales University
Academic Success Center
Academic Center - Suite 410
801 W. Trade Street Charlotte, NC 28202
Please contact the Academic Success Center with any questions or concerns at 980-598-1500 or charlottecasstaff@jwu.edu.  

What to Expect During the Process
Once documentation is received:
  • Staff will review the documentation to determine:
    • if the information provided is sufficient and whether the requested accommodation(s) is reasonable and otherwise adequate;
    • whether the mental or physical condition identified in the documentation meets the definition of a disability;
    • whether an accommodation or adjustment is appropriate, and, if so, what type of accommodation may be necessary.
      • The interactive process for determining accommodations may require the need to consult with university faculty and staff, student's medical providers, or other appropriate personnel.  This will be conducted confidentially, and when necessary, after the student has signed a release to allow such communication.
If an accommodation request is approved:
  • The student will be contacted by Academic Support staff to schedule an enrollment meeting where:
    • staff and student will review documentation and collaboratively determine necessary accommodations.
    • staff will educate students on their rights and responsibilities, as well as, policies and procedures associated with receiving and implementing accommodations.
    • students will complete the Accommodation Agreement Form.
    • students will be provided a digital copy of their accommodation letter which must be used to notify their faculty of approved accommodations.  Academic accommodations are not effective until faculty are notified.
If an accommodation request is unable to be supported:
  • Students will be notified in writting of the determination and, if appropriate, instructed on next steps which may include:
    • Engaging in the interactive process.
    • Providing additional documentation or information.
    • Connecting with other resources on campus.
Students will be expected to:
  • Participate in the determination and implementation of reasonable accommodations and support services
  • Meet with your advisor to complete the Accommodation Agreement Form
  • Inform your advisor when accommodations are not working or need to be changed
  • Keep follow-up appointments or call to cancel and reschedule in a timely manner.
Housing Accommodations

Students with disabilities seeking reasonable accommodations within campus housing can initiate the process by completing a New Student Application located in the Accommodations Portal or by contacting the Academic Success Center.  All requests for housing accommodations are considered on an individualized case-by case basis and reviewed within an interactive process that is student centered.  Housing accommodations are determined based on an individual student's needs for equal access; not perceived additional benefit. 

Details about housing facilities:

JWU's Charlotte campus offers traditional suite-style living in two residence halls, Cedar Hall North (first year students) and Cedar Hall South (returning students).  These facilities are generally accessibile and house 4 students in a two bedroom suite (2 students per bedroom).  Each suite includes a bathroom (toilet and sink are in a seperate space from the shower), a common area with an additional sink, and wi-fi internet access.  A Floor plan of the space is available online. Please visit the Residental Life website for additional information.


Please contact the Academic Success Center with any questions or concerns at 980-598-1500 or charlottecasstaff@jwu.edu

Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals
Service Animals:

A service animal is any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability.  the work or tasks peformed by the dog must be directly related to the person's disability.  A dog that is in training to become a service animal is also considered a service animal.

Students who wish to have a service animal on campus must notify Academic Support - Accessibility Services prior to bringing the animal.  Staff will determine the appropriateness of a service animal based on whether a student has a disability and the role or tasks the service animal has been trained to perform.

Service animals may not pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others nor disrupt the university community.

Emotional Support Animals:

An emotional support animal is any animal that provides emotional support thus alleviating one or more identified symptoms or effects of a persons disability, is determined necessary because of the individual's disability to afford the individual an equal opportunity to use and enjoy university housing, and it's presence in university housing is reasonable.  Emotional support animals are generally animals commonly kept in households for pleasure rather than for commercial purposes.

Process for requesting an emotional support animal:

Students seeking to have their emotional support animal reside with them in campus housing as a reasonable accommodation must follow the accommodation request process outlined above.  All requests for accommodations are considered on an individualized case-by case basis and reviewed within an interactive process that is student centered.  Students requesting an emotional support animal will be asked to provide documentation of their disability which supports the need for the animal.

Students are encouraged to make requests as early as possible and the contact Academic Support with any questions.

General documentation guidelines for emotional support animals:

Documentation must verify:

  • the person has a disability;
  • the animal is necessary, because of the disability, to afford the person with an equal opportunity to use and enjoy the dwelling; and
  • there is an identifiable relationship or nexus between the disability and the assistance the specific animal provides, such that the animal alleviates symptoms of the disability.
  • an existing and continuing diagnostic and therapuetic relation with the authoring clinician/provider.
  • the emotional support animal has been prescribed by an appropriate and reliable clinician/provider who has evaluated and determined the animals existence will mitigate symptoms and functional limitations associated with the student's disability.
  • how the clinican/provider evaluated and reached this determination.

Generally, documentation acquired from websites or healthcare professionals who have had no contact with the student except for limited encounters specifically intended to produce an emotional support animal letter or who review emotional profiles and create template emotional support animal letters for public housing and air carriers are not considered reliable.



Accommodations Portal


Student Disability Grievance Policy and Procedures

Any Johnson & Wales University student may file a grievance.  The university strongly encourages students to discuss their concerns with the appropriate parties to seek informal resolution prior to filing the grievance.  If the student is unwilling to attempt informal resolution or if attempts at informal resolution fail, the student may then submit a grievance to Matthias Rubekeil (401-598-2703 or Matthias.Rubekeil@jwu.edu).  The full grievance policy and procedure is available online and in the student handbook.