Working with a paid student intern from Johnson & Wales University is a great way to develop your future talent pool.

Did you know that more than 50% of our students on internship get job offers from their internship sites when they graduate?

Our competitive program model provides many options for our students allowing them to select their own sites from a rich index of almost 2,000 internship sites worldwide specifically posted by employers we approve.

What do you get? Highly motivated student professionals for your project, seasonal and temporary positions — and the chance to groom a potential employee who has the exact skills and training you want.

Create a Quality Internship

A quality internship provides our students with first-hand exposure to the practical aspects of your company’s operation. It benefits both you, and our students.

Internship includes:

  • Clear detailed description of duties and responsibilities (so applicants understand your expectations)
  • Productive and relevant duties
  • Appropriate orientation and training
  • Access to professionals for guidance/mentoring
  • Ongoing, open communication with our team of career experts
  • Conducting mid-term and final student performance evaluations
  • Relevant student conversations regarding internship compensation
  • Must include training, supervision, and evaluation. The intern’s supervisor must have knowledge of and experience in the job function (i.e., a marketing intern should be supervised by a marketing professional).
  • Interns are not permitted to work out of a residence.
  • If any work is to be completed remotely, please note how you will communicate with the intern, conduct meetings, review work and complete evaluations.
  • If you are related to the student, another individual must be responsible for supervising the experience and completing the mid and final semester evaluations. Please provide that person’s name, phone number and email address.
  • If the intern currently works with your organization (i.e., part-time or full-time job), an additional description outlining the student’s current tasks is required. For the proposed internship to qualify for academic credit, these descriptions need to demonstrate a significant level of growth in learning and/or responsibilities during the semester for which the student is receiving academic credit.

When to Host an Internship

Post an internship 3-6 months in advance, so our career experts can ensure that you get the right candidates. Many companies hire their JWU interns when they graduate.

Approximate hours per week and approximate start/end dates. Must be a minimum of 8-34 hours per week based on academic credit throughout 15-16 weeks during the corresponding academic semester:

  • Fall (late August– mid-December)
  • Spring (early January– end of April)
  • Summer (early May – mid August)
Credits Avg. Hrs/Wk
3 8-12
6 17-19
9 25-27
12 34-36


Internship Guidebook

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