Participate in a variety of ways to connect with JWU talent. All positions need to be posted on Handshake to participate as this is our primary resource for students and alumni seeking job and internship opportunities.

Menu of Services Offered to Employers

The Providence and Charlotte Campuses offer a few options for you to recruit on campus. Here are some of those options.

Recruitment Tabling
For employers with part-time, seasonal, and full-time opportunities.

Programs & Workshops
Your expertise and insights are crucial in shaping our students' career readiness. Collaborate with us on a program.

On-Campus Interviewing (OCI)
Offers a convenient way to interview multiple students in one day.

Career & Internship Fairs
By invitation only fairs with limited availability, and curated based on our majors, colleges, and employer’s recruiting needs. Career Fairs provide a standard booth fee and limited sponsorship opportunities to support our student programs.

Employer in Residence – Providence Campus only
Offered to established employers who recruit students across multiple colleges. The day includes class visits, recruitment table, lunch with faculty and an informal meet & greet with students.

For more information about recruiting JWU student talent at the Providence Campus, please email careerservices.pvd@jwu.edu and at the Charlotte Campus, please email exed.clt@jwu.edu.