Wildcat Wheels
Alerts notifications: JWULINK under Wildcat Wheels group
-Here are answers to some FAQs:
- Our main bus stop locations are Gaebe Commons, Harborside (Wildcat Center) and Harbor View.
Times listed on schedules are when the bus departs, please be at the bus stop 5 minutes before the posted time.
Courtesy Weekly Market trip - please see Gaebe Commons & Harborside Schedules for specific times on Saturday & Sunday - operates only in Fall and Spring Semesters - no holiday weekends.
JWU buses are free to ride please show your valid JWU ID upon entering vehicle.
- Limited transportation schedules available during breaks and holidays.
- We do not provide service to/from the airport, bus or train stations.
- RIPTA - Rhode Island Public Transit Authority - offers commuters transports into/out of the city to local area - you can purchase a discount pass via our UPASS program - once purchase is complete additional instructions to activate will be provided on the purchase page or by sending an email direct at UPass.pvd@jwu.edu
- Parking off campus in downtown requires a parking fee - the city has several blue machines on each block that you will need to use. For additional information: Check out “Providence Passport Parking App” from the City of Providence on their website or through the Vimeo app.
- If you have a specific question, concern, or lost item you can call us at; 401-598-1156 or email us at WildcatWheels@jwu.edu
Bus Schedules
Choose your route:
- Equine Center
- Gaebe Commons
- Harbor View
- Harborside
- Xavier: All buses traveling to Gaebe Commons stop at Xavier Hall to drop-off students on their way to Gaebe Commons.
- Wildcat Center Bus Stop: is the location on the Harborside Campus.
Passenger Guidelines
You MUST show your student ID to board all JWU buses and vans. This and all policies are strictly enforced.
- Buses stop at designated bus stops only, for safety purposes
- Stand away from the curb as buses approach
- Don't walk or run into the street when buses are in traffic
- Check the illuminated sign next to the passenger entrance to see where the bus is going
- Treat drivers and all other riders with courtesy and respect
- Have your JWU student ID ready and present it to the bus driver upon entering bus
- Help keep your JWU bus clean. Trash receptacles are located at the front of each bus
- Before departing, check your seat for all personal items
Lost Items
Call 401-598-1156 for lost items.
All items are turned over to the Office of Campus Safety & Security after 24 hours.
- 2 guests maximum per student
- Guests must have a state issued ID
- Active JWU student must accompany guests on buses at any given time
Inclement Weather
If classes are cancelled due to inclement weather, all regularly scheduled routes are cancelled and service is limited or cancelled - announcements are posted via JWULINK under the group option: Wildcat Wheels.